Jake’s 1st Day at Big Boy School!

Ok, so I know by now, you guys think that I’m an emotional wreck when it comes to my kids. On my Instagram stories, I always share the reality of how a mom feels when her babies start growing up and hitting milestones. It makes you so happy but also makes you want to cry knowing that there’s no going back and that they’ll never be a baby again. It’s not easy but there’s nothing like being a mom and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

So after 6 long months of COVID craziness, Jake is finally back in school this week. He’s gone from daycare to big boy school! I was sure to take lots of photos so we can both look back at them and reminisce when we’re older.

He looks so handsome (guapo as Jake says)! I’d love to hear from you awesome moms and mother figures. If you’re a mom, are your kids returning to school or are you still virtual/homeschooling schooling still amidst the pandemic?

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